Freitag, 4. April 2008


40 persons visited our blog on this day. that is so amazing that i decided to write something in english, for all the visitors who dont speak german. we spent 2 days in Sibiu, which was too clean for us swiss guys. now we stay for two days in brasov, cant say a lot of the city because we arrived just some hours ago.

we are in a damm crazy mood at the time because everything stops half started and half achieved then falls together like a house of cards in a ninety degree rain because in our group no one is willing to let anyone take the lead nor to do it himself. (sorry this is very complicated due to the very confused trains of thought in sebastians mind who was appointed to write the other sentence, not this one. the one with the democratic group. sorry)

i (jann) take over again, this time for all the german speaking visitors who dont speak that good english sebastian does. hehe. ah ye what i wanted to say is, that we will upload a lot more photos soon.

something about the sondage (survey, you know what i mean)

the result: 8 votes for brittney bitch and also 8 for strawberrycheescake, just one for kotzenjammer. but maybe this result is not really a mirror of the visitors of our page because we maybe did about 80% of all the votes, the rest should be gianno and de :P

funny thing at the end, we met a guy who was in the hostel in belgrad 1 week ago. world seems to be small.

5 Kommentare:

Cristina Vintila hat gesagt…

Finally a post in English :P well, the police is gone now from Bucharest, so come visit this city also ;))

Gianno Schiesser hat gesagt…

uuh hello eva

Andrea hat gesagt…

chucha fren!

Andrea hat gesagt…

p.s. frog an Jann: Wia heisst das Instrument, wo so schwer zum spiela isch, wo ma Ultraschall mit da Haend reflektiart; du hesch miar mol en Vortrag drueber ghalta. Bin eba amna Konzert gsi, wo n Typ so eis gspielt het...
In dem Sinn piis und buen viaje!

Anonym hat gesagt…

weiss au grad nuem. sry. und schiasser wia gseit, das isch nit d eva.